Twinwall Polycarbonate – from Alsynite Roofing

SunnysidePolycarbonate sheets, Product info

Twinwall polycarbonate

You’ve heard of Polycarbonate, but have you heard of Twinwall Polycarbonate?! The double-walled polycarbonate glazing sheet. Twinwall roofing is a hollow structure with a double wall. It’s flat and lightweight, just like a standard polycarbonate glazing sheet. But due to its hollow structure, Laserlite 2000+ Twinwall from Alsynite roofing has outstanding light transmission and insulation properties. This makes it the … Read More

Newsletter: Introducing Twinwall


twinwall laserlight roofing twinwall roofing laserlite roofing twin wall polycarbonate roofing twin wall polycarbonate sheet nz

Introducing Amazing Laserlite Twinwall Laserlite Twinwall is a fantastic alternative to glass. It’s light-weight and flexible, with high impact strength. This extremely attractive material features two exterior plastic sheets connected by a vertical plastic support every few millimetres, creating multiple internal cells. Super-Tough, with Unobstructed RunsThis gives Twinwall remarkable rigidity and strength, while remaining extremely lightweight. This means you can … Read More