Twinwall Polycarbonate – from Alsynite Roofing

SunnysidePolycarbonate sheets, Product info

Twinwall polycarbonate

You’ve heard of Polycarbonate, but have you heard of Twinwall Polycarbonate?! The double-walled polycarbonate glazing sheet. Twinwall roofing is a hollow structure with a double wall. It’s flat and lightweight, just like a standard polycarbonate glazing sheet. But due to its hollow structure, Laserlite 2000+ Twinwall from Alsynite roofing has outstanding light transmission and insulation properties. This makes it the … Read More

Laserlite Roofing

SunnysideAbout, Polycarbonate sheets, Product info

laserlite 1000 clearlite roofing logo

The Laserlite roofing brand has been around for years, and is one of New Zealand’s highest performing polycarbonate roofing products.  Here at Sunnyside we’ve been using and selling Laserlite for a long time. What makes it special? Laserlite has a thicker UV protective coating than Suncover and other entry level products, giving it a longer warranty.  It’s also incredibly easy … Read More